Tuesday, October 30, 2012


[Text in greek only. Apologies]

Αυτή τη βδομάδα ξεκινά το 14ο Φεστιβάλ Κόμικς της Αθήνας. Η συμμετοχή μου σ'αυτό θα είναι μέσω της ΙΟΝ και του So Comic. To Σάββατο 3/11 ώρα 20:00 θα βρίσκομαι στην αίθουσα του So Comic για να υπογράφω αντίτυπα της δουλειάς μου και να μιλάω για το Elysium Online. Θα ακολουθήσει κλήρωση με προιόντα ΙΟΝ.
Τα λέμε εκεί λοιπόν!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Elysium Online preview pages

Here are the first 12 pages of my graphic novel Elysium Online. The crowdfunding campaign for it's completion and publication is still running so if you'd like to see it happen (AND get copies of the book, and art prints and original sketches and more) please click this link and show your support.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Madefire pinup

Pinup I did for Madefire. It's featured on their blog along with other great works by Fraser Irving, Ben Templesmith, Michael Dialynas and more!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Elysium Online: Social Media Membership Pack

Click HERE to download the Guest version of the Social Media Membership Pack for the crowd fundning campaign for my latest comic, Elysium Online
It includes ten different Facebook Covers, seven Twitter Backgrounds and a special .PSD and .TIFF template you can use to transform your Profile Picture in you favorite social media and proudly declare your support of Elysium Online!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Elysium Online: Sketches

The crowd funding campaign for my graphic novel, Elysium Online,is still running. Help me make this happen by clicking the link and contributing (securing in the meantime copies of the book and posters and sketches for you guys)... and also by sharing this as much as possible.

In the meantime here are the original sketches for some of the characters of the book.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Elysium Online: music

 The Elysium Online campaing video whould not be what it is without Pan Pan's haunting "Do I Know You?"
Enjoy the original track:

The book's Indiegogo campaign is still running. Go check it out and help this project become a reality.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Elysium Online: making the cover

Here's some of the thumbnails I did trying to come up with acover for Elysium Online:

 I originaly pursued the first option...
The second one seemed too "cheap" and gimmicky, the third not strong enough, the four I liked but I didn't help get across the book's concept. So the first option at first gave me this:

I liked it... but I need something more, so I went with the fifth option. The result made really happy.
You can see the finished cover and the final evolution of the above image in Elysium Online's campaign gallery.

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Elysium Online Indiegogo campaign!



ELYSIUM ONLINE is a graphic novel I've been working for quite some time.

It's about Elysium, a revolutionary social network that allows its users to interact with their deceased  loved ones. But the dead are not who we think they are.

"Just when I thought it was impossible to come up with a fresh, original concept in horror, Ilias Kyriazis has done it. And he drew it beautifully too. Someone needs to tell him there's such a thing as being TOO talented!"
Christos Gage, writer (Avengers Academy, X-men Legacy)

"A much scarier and more emotionally hard-hitting version of a Roland Emerich movie!"
Mike Carey, writer (X-Men Legacy, Lucifer)

"Wow! [Elysium Online] is stunning!"
Scott Lobdell, writer (Superman, Uncanny X-men)

I'm launching a campaign to fund it so if you' re interested check out its Indiegogo page!
Thank you for your support!