That's amazing! Two weeks before the end of the campaign and thanks to YOU we have the necessary funds to finish and publish this book! We made it!
So... what exactly happens now?
-First of all the campaign doesn't end. You still have until Dec 06 to claim perks and make sure that you get copies of the book and prints etc. This comic will NOT have distribution to comic book stores so this is pretty much your only way to get a copy!
The $7500 was the bare minimum we needed but we can definitely use more. The extra funds will go to beef up the book (hello, UV cover!) and pay people who worked on it for free. If support proves very strong there are plans of including backup stories from other artists. We'll see how it goes...
-The coming week the Previous Works Digital Pack will be sent to all who have claimed it.
-Ilias and Dimitris will start working on the book. You'll receive updates on how it goes. It's scheduled to be ready this summer.
-The art prints will be printed after the campaign's end.
-The "upgrade your claim" special offer for the original pages is still running.
If you have any questions please let us know! :)
Once again thanks to all of you who backed the book! And very special thanks to people you helped set this campaign up:
-Dimitrios for agreeing to draw the extra pages
-Tassos for designing the most kick-ass logo ever
-Sergio and Tind for shooting an amazing video and Pan Pan for providing the music
-Michael and Yannis for contributing their art as commissions
-BeSkinky for their iPhone skins and cases
-friends who gave support and advice: Vasilis, George, Thodoris, Danai, Manolis, Nickos and many many more
-industry pros who gave us their seal of approval: Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid, Mike carey, Christos Gage, Mike Allred, Jay Faerber, Kurt Busiek, Yildiray Cinar, Mahmud Asrar, Gail Simone, David Gallaher, Steve Ellis, Daniel Govar and more
-news sites and media and bloggers who helped spread the word about Elysium Online: Bleeding Cool, Newsarama, Comics Alliance, CBR's Robot 6, Comic Vine, MAD TV's Breaking Mad, Grace Rundolph's Between the pages, Athens Voice, Lifo, Comicdom, Glamour, Ta Nea, The Lottery Party, One Man, So Comic, Jumping Fish, To Spirto, +Design, Crack Hitler, Elm0sh, Kool Fly, .Paraphernalia, The Press Project, Waiting For A Tardis That Never Comes and any more we might be forgetting right now
-Jemma Comics for picking up the Retailer Perk and the secret backer who picked the Immortality Perk
-all of you who tweeted, shared on facebook and told your friends about this project!
Thank you all again! This book will exist because of you!